Tuesday, March 10, 2015

I am Humbled - A Reason to Celebrate || Bend Oregon Photographer

I am Amanda McCarthy.


March 15th 2014 thru Dec15th 2014

Sunday, April 6th, 2014

In Amanda's words:

So a year ago Kimberly you gave me a precious gift. A picture which I thought was going to be my last with my family. Your generosity started my life to be extremely blessed. Having you photograph my family was a blessing and a curse. I was willing to share my cancer among the Bend community but was not going to share it with my friends. Boy was that not a wise decision because I never knew how much help I needed from everyone for 9 months. I will never forget the day I shared my complete story with you for you to post with our families pictures and I truly thought it was going up on your page until you tagged me. I will never forget the day because I was getting my last golf game in as you announced and posted the McCarthy family as winners and tagged my name. My cancer story was out if the bag going viral to all my friends and family that are not here in bend. My phone rang and rang for hours. I didn't grow up here and never thought we were going to need as much help as we did. Because of you Kimberly Teichrow, I was so blessed. Blessed beyond my wildest dreams. This community in Bend and all my friends stepped up and made my life easier. The blessings were so ginormous I don't even know how to begin to say thanks. Having cancer was the most hardest trial in my life to beat. I was extremely ill and you and everyone pitched in whether it was precious memories in photos, dinners, you coming to my first chemo, fund raising. The list is endless. Kimberly thank you for having the courage I didn't have to get my story out there. Without it I couldn't have completed my treatments. I would have caved and not finished. Battling cancer was not done solely by myself but by the army you set forth behind me.  



Thank you, Lisa Jewell, for nominating me!

16 chemo treatments and 37 radation visits I am still here with those beautiful kids.

In Kimberly's words:

This was one of the easiest decisions I've made, to gift this beautiful family with portraits. The second easiest decision I've made is to invite them back this year, on March 15th, which happens to be the anniversary of when Amanda was diagnosed. Full circle. Happy Heart.


Unknown said...

Beautiful family, beautiful mommy and the best outcome one can hope for. Looking forward to the "after" pictures.
As Amanda's testimony validates, it takes a village, and a photographer in this case! Kimberly, you have shown what it means to be a caring "family" member!
I am so happy for Amanda, thanks for sharing her story and family with your beautiful pictures.

Kimberly Teichrow Photography said...

Ruth - you are too sweet. I, too, am looking forward to Sunday. What a glorious day that will be!